Aparently something in my slov/muffet processing flow doesn't tolerate entry names with length of one. I tried to make a post with the name X and it fails. I dug into muffet a bit and don't think that is where the problem is, but maybe it is. It does get stuck trying to cannonize the string (cannonizing is a process of takeing a string like 'HeLLo ThErE' and changing it to the cannon name for that entry in the database -> 'hello_there')
I think the problem is more likely with slov reading the names from the ndtl files. But it could also be a bug in the slov-muffet communication protocol. names of other lengths don't get truncated by one which would be a clear indication of an off-by-one in the cannonize function, the only reason why cannonize would have a problem is if it is given an empty string, or an address that simply isn't a string. (yes I know I should probably have a way to detect that the string is empty in cannonize. But unlike actual consumer software where you have to have a billion little checks for all the ways a user might try to break things, I'm the only user of this software, so I just don't purposefully try buffer overruns on slov or something. But this is a bug. This one post aside, there is plenty reason to fix names with length of one. I've already tried to make x.html, and who knows how long before I find a reason for g.html, or l.html.
Anyway. I just changed the name to [xx] rather than X, and then copied XX to X. It's not perfect. Because I had to manually edit the file and when I regenerate the site next time It will just overwrite the change, and X isn't in the database as a known name. so ya. gotta fix it. bleh.