Cutting myself down



Well, I didn't think that I had abdicated any throne, but apparently I did. I was prompted the other day to look at references in the chan archives after some people and while I was doing that I decided why not see if there were any references to me or this place. Apparently there are. I had known for a while there are references to me in various places, but this was the first time I'd seen these particular ones. I'm sorry you don't like the aesthetic of this place, random chan poster. Perhaps you just need to watch SEL again. :) For me my chaotic expression comes from a desire to communicate a world view. If you don't have a similar one that's fine, but it is /how I feel/. The world doesn't make sense. The curated, cultivated, pruned, orderly, sanitary, structured, synthetic, monotone, manicured, insanity of the world I inhabit is suffocating. Give me organic, messy, droning, colorful chaos. As for the font, I like monospace typewriter fonts, but since I also like the messy and chaotic, I wanted one that was messy as well. This one does nicely. I would say I think I have to agree that I am the logical conclusion of /g/ in more ways than I care to admit. Gone so far off the deep end I'm in "programmer socks" writing this in sam on plan 9, with my grid of 3 plan 9 machines (much to my great lamentations it isn't more). But as a true /g/ poser I still have a windows machine I use more often than I would ever admit publicly (whoops). There have been periods longer and shorter where I didn't have a windows machine, but technically this windows machine isn't mine, and if you thought that video editing in linux was bad (oh boy is it) then you don't know the first thing about video editing in plan9. Protip - there isn't any. Hell, there is barely any video PLAYBACK in plan9 and the project that first implemented it was called TREASON. The situation isn't likely to improve any time soon either since there is basically no GPU support for frankly anything made since you were born. GPU designer's aren't making any effort on their part to make it easy to bridge the gap. There is essentially no length I would go to ensure a hardware independent GPU ISA. But since there is no path to owning NVIDIA or AMD... OK. How about this. Send me all your money, then get all your friends, to get all their friends to all get their friends to send me all their money. Then once I have all the money, I'll buy NVIDIA and force them to make an OPEN ISA for video, one that is based on MEMORY MAPPED GOD DAMN INSTRUCTIONS, with publicly available timing diagrams and everything. It would be a torpedo to AMD and Intel and they'd either cave to it or perish under the sheer weight of openly programmable hardware. Anyway. Obviously that's not happening. So ya, for video editing there isn't a better OS than windows, even OSX isn't better these days (this may no longer be true. idk). I use Davinci Resolve, since it's free for the most part (at my scale) and it works very well. Some people like vegas, or some other video editor. God forbid some people even like Blender for video, but it sucks. Ok, Blender Foundation - if you fix video importing so that the audio and video don't get out of sync on 99% of videos, I'll switch to linux for video editing. That's a deal breaker. It's been a problem for like 10 fucking years, and you absolute clowns han't done a god damn thing about it. You are sitting on a gold mine of people looking for a half decent video editor, and it's the thorn in blender's side preventing it from being better than anything on linux for the purpose, unfortunately it's such a terrible problem it isn't even possible to work around it. (inb4 someone tells me to adjust the frame rate of the project to match the source video. No shit retard, you think I didn't do that? how about trying it your goddamn self before flicking your fingers at me) Anyway I finally got plan9 running on my yoga thinkpad with wifi working. Holy shit is wpa supplicant slow as shit on plan9. hardly usable. And it was a nightmare to get working. Needing to grab the bsd firmware blob for my wifi chip then needing to create a usb drive that worked on windows and plan9 since the only machines I had with internet after installing plan9 on my thinkpad was windows. Windows only works with ntfs and fat, plan9 can do both, but it was some man page dives to figure out exactly how to do it. Ended up needing to reformat the drive several times. After getting it on the plan9 machine, it had to be added to /lib/firmware BUT it had to be the /lib/firmware of the /kernel's/ filesystem. Not as simple as it sounds and honestly I still don't know /what/ worked. Here's what I know was necessary. The firmware needs to be in either /lib/firmware/ or /sys/lib/firmware (or some other ...?/lib/firmware ???), then the kernel needs to be rebuilt from source and installed. (read the fqa) If it was in the right place it will be put in the bootfs.paq. warning tho, it needs to still fit in the boot partition so if the firmware is too big you are kinda fucked. Additionally, this still isn't enough for my thinkpad because it /thinks/ it has a physical ethernet port, so I also needed to change the plan9.ini to change which port was ether0. finally after all that . . . I needed to again modify my plan9.ini to add the ssid and passkey to factotum at startup and my cfg to start wpa supplicant otherwise there would be a litany of kernel errors until I manually started wpa supplicant and provided the ssid and passkey. God forbid I mistype it since the kernel errors break the screen every time they show up, and they are pretty constant. (supposedly It's possible to cat some kernel error stream to a rio window to prevent this, but i only know it's possible and not how to do it, since in my experience kernel errors usually are /extremely/ rare) but now I can finally netsurf on my thinkpad, but download speeds are literally worse than dialup even gemini is slow :p .

incoming references